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Children's Book Laboratory

Believing in the transformative power of culture and the arts, recognising the essential nature of books and reading in the overall education of every person, and promoting the importance of the role of the mediator in the development of competent and autonomous readers, the Lisbon Libraries Network is launching a project focused on children’s books and aimed at all those who wish to mediate books and promote reading among children.

This is how the Children’s Book Laboratory – LabLI  was born, a space for learning, reflection, promotion, and mediation of children’s books.

What can you expect from LabLI?

  • To promote dialogue on children’s books by creating spaces for exchange, reflection, training and research;
  • To encourage experimentation with new ways of promoting access to books and reading for children;
  • To provide information and resources on books, reading, literature, libraries, literacy, mediation and childhood;
  • To deliver training to those whose role and interest is to promote books and reading in different contexts such as family, school, libraries, museums, volunteering and others;
  • To study and promote the Memories of Other Childhoods, a BLX Network collection of more than 7,000 children’s books published in Portugal between 1900 and 1979.

LabLIs first lines of action will therefore be dedicated to capacity building, exploring the Memories of Other Childhoods collection, and cooperation.

Contact should be made by email.
