The Lisbon Book Fair
The Lisbon Libraries are usually present at the Lisbon Book Fair, one of the most significant expressions of the cultural life of the city, particularly aimed at promoting books, reading and interaction between authors and the public.
Organised by APEL- Associação Portuguesa de Editores e Livreiros (Portuguese Publisher and Booksop Owners Association) – the Book Fair has the support of the Lisbon City Council, both in the logistics as well as in the cultural programme, working together with the Lisbon Libraries Network, which has been delivering programmes with diversity and quality.
The Lisbon Libraries Stand follows the Lisbon Libraries strategy, as Libraries of the 21st century, thus responding to the needs and interests of the communities and to be more than centres which promote reading. The Lisbon Libraries also go outdoors, and the Lisbon Book Fair is the Cultural Street Event where the Lisbon Libraries Network can show what it has on offer.
In the Lisbon Libraries Stand we present the best of the Lisbon Libraries, reflecting the daily work being done in Literature, Music, Dancing, Theatre, Narration, Well-being and health, and many other areas.
Concerts, dancing, book launches, reading clubs, stage reading, poetry sessions, story telling, debates, conferences, conversations with writers, visual arts workshops, yoga or knitting sessions, and many other activities, where everyone is welcome. These are but a sample of the offers awaiting all the visitors to the emblematic Lisbon Book Fair; the very same visitors whom we await throughout the year at the Lisbon Libraries.