Hemeroteca (Periodicals)
Hemeroteca de Lisboa offers, in person or remotely, the following specialized services:
- Scanning and Image service: provides quality scanning and photocopies, from the original monographs, periodicals and other documents which are part of the HML (Lisbon Periodicals Library) collection. For non-presential requests, a form must be filled in, with the full reference of the images to be scanned. The prices are set in the Price List and Table of Prices and Other Municipal Revenues
>Scanning and Image Service Form – SDI ENG
Available through prior arrangement. Contact 218 172 430 or hemeroteca.digital@cm-lisboa.pt
- Reference Service: helps to optimise the computer-based catalogue search within the BLX Network and offers specialised support in strategies for searching and researching the Hemeroteca archive collection. This service is also directed at answering any brief factual queries.
Available through prior arrangement. Contact 218 172 430 or hemeroteca.digital@cm-lisboa.pt
- Research and Consultancy Service: it is a service directed at periodical research/investigation of texts and images related to authors or topics. This service requires the filling in of a form. The prices are set in the Price List and Table of Prices and Other Municipal Revenues
> Consulting and Research Service Form SCI – ENG
For more information, view Guidelines and Fees:
Available through prior arrangement. Contact 218 172 430 or hemeroteca.digital@cm-lisboa.pt