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Fiadeiras de Histórias (Story Spinner)

In the Libraries we have reels of books with endless wonderful stories, incredible illustrations out of  of the artists’ pencil, striking characters who inspire and draw you in and dreamlike scenes waiting to be discovered. In the Libraries you have ample space to stretch the imagination and find that to make believe is the best thing in the world.  From “ Once upon a time…” to “Long long ago …” all stories have a beginning, a guiding thread from the first to the last line. And when these lines cross and tangle, the words and images take us on a creative journey, a discovery loaded with fun. The lines join and intertwine so that at the end of each story another even more magical one may emerge. And who knows, another and yet another…

You have a  Story Spinner in all the Lisbon Libraries Network under the responsibility of the reading mediators of the Programming and Mediation Unit. Starting from a careful bibliographical selection, themes, books and activities are chosen taking into account the age group for which they are meant. The Story Spinner is for babies and children of all age groups, their families and schools. They are all invited.

We promote a wide range of activities around these stories in all the Lisbon Libraries, with the aim of extending and consolidating reading and writing habits and skills of the Portuguese public in general and the Lisbon locals in particular, bringing together the areas of education, culture, technology and the arts.