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A programme of fiction, culture and digital literacy

Video games have occupied a large share of the cultural consumption, not only of adults but also of young people and children. Video games are not just for entertainment, but also for learning and training, such as the so-called serious games. However, the normalisation of video games and their valuable cultural practice, despite being the subject of reflection and study in universities and academia, is not sufficiently represented in the different institutional contexts. The universalisation of access to the world of video games makes it necessary to create inclusive scenarios in which the experience of playing is a means of promoting new perspectives and greater interest in the diversity of genres and formats that the sector generates.

In a first approach, this programme focuses on the following areas:

  • Training and qualification of mediators who can integrate this artistic sphere into their work dynamics with different audiences, promoting curatorship and a critical eye on existing productions, turning libraries and their teams into mediating spaces that bring people together and show, through clubs or occasional socialised games, the huge possibilities that exist in these artistic and cultural proposals.
  • Promoting libraries as open agoras of universal access to the rich cultural plurality that games and digital fiction offer can open a door for users to gradually expand their horizons of knowledge and the limits of what this sphere can become.
  • Encouraging libraries and cultural institutions to show their visitors not only the artistic diversity of digital fiction, but also the multiple and deep intercultural links and genealogies with other forms of expression such as cinema, painting, writing itself, thus breaking down barriers and potential defences against these «new aesthetics». In this way, we will promote a better approach to these realities, one that is more informed, more critical and capable of selectively enjoying these «new arts».
  • The structural inclusion of digital fiction as a relevant cultural practice within the usual library programmes.

The aim is to
– Train professionals and the public;
– Develop critical, informed and selective views;
– Promote healthy consumption;
– Promote appropriate spaces that encourage sociability;
– Promote diversity of offer;
– Promote national production and national authors;
– Promote knowledge and study of these artistic practices;
– Create a diversified, informed and comprehensive offer.


Contact should be made by e-mail or telephone.

Contact details:
  218 172 980

Imagem com a palavra START.

From this program we highlight